Thursday, November 20, 2008
Going to St George!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Bond...James Bond
Rory and I went with Danny and Annie tonight to see 007 Quantum of Solace! The movie was pretty good! I recommend re-watching Casino Royal before going to see this one. You can't go wrong with James Bond!! Your man will love the action and you will love....MMMMmmm Ladies, you know what I'm talking about!!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Sports crazy!

Saturday, we went to Jonny and Grace's home for Robby Swenson's B-day party! There was yummy food and great conversation! I apologize to Jonny and Grace's neighbors if we were too loud! We are a pretty wild bunch!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
I want to share this life changing website/Video/Life style. A while back I saw this commercial on T.V. that brought me to tears (I am a big baby). It reminded me of how lucky Courtney and I have it and that there are more important things in this world than ourselves. It also made me realize how little I do for others. Well the other night I was board and I decide to find that commercial. I ran across one of the best sites on the Internet. I started to read their message and watch the videos and I broke down in tears. That night I made a promise to not always think about my self and to do more service for others. I have always been taught to treat others, as I would like to be treated. Sometimes it's nice to have a reminder when I'm down and fill like my life is so bad, I can go to this site. It puts things into prospective of how good we really have it and how the small things can make a difference in someones life. With all the bad news in the world it’s nice to get an uplifting message. Please watch the video below and go to the website. I promise you, It will lift you up!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Happy Halloween!
We thought we were extra creative this year because we dressed up as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac with golden parachutes strapped to our backs and Obama bucks stuffed in our pockets!! Well, few people actually got it...I guess we are the only ones who watch the news! It was pretty embarrassing when we had to take 10 mins to explain it to the "uninformed"! I think even after that, they still didn't get it...Oh well, we thought is was good! Thanks to the Copingas for the pic! (we forgot our camera)

Rory wanted to wear his Fred Flinstone wig for fun!

Even Big Jake hung around for a bit before heading off to a party! My dad was also there, crackin' jokes over soup and talking politics of course! My sisters would recall his limo joke...oh yes, that came up! Rory had never heard it before, so it was a hit!

My parents' street was packed with trick-or-treaters because the neighbors across the way constructed this little haunted house in their garage. They had a guy with a chainsaw scaring all the kids! It was quite funny! We didn't get home until late but decided, since it was Saturday the next day, that we would rent a scary movie! Rory made us rent Steven King's "The Stand". I had no idea what it was about but dude...I'm probably a wuss but it was freaky! We only have watched half of it (it is about 6 hours long) but so far pretty good story line...maybe I'll read the book if I ever get time away from studying!
Overall, another great Halloween in the books!