Rory again,
Sorry, I need to vent and list off a few things that totally just get on my nerves!
(I would love to hear your list...)
Shopping Carts of Lazy People
Please walk your shopping cart to the proper spot. Are you really that lazy? and don't give me "That's their job" (meaning the store's clerks'). I can't tell you how many times I go to the store on a busy day and there are no parking spots because shopping carts fill all potential spots. (If your homeless your okay to not return your cart)

Opening Doors
I walked out of the gym yesterday and this nicely dressed man totally lets the door slam in my face. After saying "Thank You", common courtesy #2 taught in my parents' home was to always open doors for others.

This one hits hard.
Dear Smoker, Please do not stand by the door of an entrance, in a line, or sit by me smoking your cancer-causing drag.
I know this is way gross, but I have been tempted to go fart in these people's faces and wait for them to get mad at me so I could tell them how I feel about smelling their crap.
ha ha I loved this post!!! I with you on all of those!
You tell them
that is awesome.. i agree with hubby and i also hate (although it's kinda a lame one.. but done ALOT down here) is when people go into like a walmart or something through the door labeled with a big sign that says EXIT and get in the way of those actually using the right door.. and also people who go down the shopping aisles on the wrong side.. it's really not that hard but many struggle with it.
I find this humorous only because Regan has complained about two of these three pet-peeves of yours in the past 24 hours. Rightly so though. To enter our apartment you have to enter a main entrance into the apartment building. There is a lady who steps outside her front door to smoke. Well outside her front door is still inside. I don't care if it is cold lady! Go outside or QUIT!
I like the farting idea. I for one fart all the time so I might as well have some fun with it, or should I say more fun with it.
So the next time I see a smoker I am going to fart on them. I don't think I will be able to fart on their face because I can't jump that high. But just to make it even I will fart on Skylers face when I get home, or at least give DeEtte a "Dutch Oven" later that night.
Matt, next time I see you I will show you how its done!!! Rory
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