Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Late night prank!!!

Courtney fell asleep studying for finals the other night. That wont fly around our house. See the punishment below.

So funny!

Try this one at home.

(Health advisory: Don't try with anyone who has history of or who is at risk for heart attacks and/or strokes, or for those who are pregnant...or for those who don't take well to jokes....)


Annie Duckworth said...


Ryan, Helen and Kids said...

Can't wait for the payback...hehe

Auntie Kelly said...

So funny. Courtney let me know if you need help getting Rory back.

Unknown said...

I seriously pooped my pants I laughed so hard. Nice job Rory. Bravo on the slo mo!
Does any one have some Glade they can loan me for my office.