Rory and I were looking for somewhere to go for our anniversary when we found a deal for Orlando! It was so fun! We went to Disneyworld, Universal Studios, and the Kennedy Space Center. It was a fun filled vacation for sure! The crowds were annoying at times but we still had a great time!
Our trip didn't really start off great though...our flight was canceled from SLC! So, we were re-routed on a different airline, which turned out to be a blessing. We were able to catch an earlier connecting flight from Houston to Orlando AND first class for FREE! Oh yeah! It was awesome. Hot towels, lunch, and free movie--"yes please"!
We spent the first few days in DisneyWorld. One day we even were able to go to Blizzard Beach (1 of 2 Disney's water park). The food in Epcot was all worth it! Dinners in France and Italy, Lunch in Britain. We never got to China (one of our favs)...but we did end up discovering a great place in Hollywood Studio's called the "Sci-Fi Dine-In Theater". It is a huge drive-through movie set up and you sit in little cars as your tables! Such a cool atmosphere! And the shakes were so yummy!
Universal Studios was fun as well! The new "Wizarding World of Harry Potter" was the big attraction where the Butterbeer was delicious!
The Kennedy Space Center was interesting. I had never been before so we thought that was a good idea for one of the days. My favorite was probably the IMAX movie about Hubble space telescope. The final shuttle launch is this week. If only it was just a week earlier! Dang... Later that night we had some GREAT seafood in Cocoa Beach. So Good!
Now some pictures..... and yes, I realize that they are backwards...Sorry.
Rory and I spent our Christmas in the beautiful 70 degree weather of Phoenix, Arizona thanks to Rory's parents, Brad and Marianne. It was a great trip! Just to get out of this cold weather and snow in Utah was well worth it!!! Unfortunately, I had to work those last 3 days before my break and then fly down that Wednesday night. Rory left the week before and stayed a few nights in St. George and Las Vegas. Down in AZ, we relaxed by the pool, went out for dinners, watched some good movies, went on a great bike ride, and had an amazing game of bowling! As part of the Duckworth's vacation, each morning was spent completing fun Minute-to-Win-it games! We competed as individuals but was assigned a partner each day. The games were really fun and made for a fun competition. Overall, we has a great vacation! least until the ride home I guess....Rory got the stomach flu and was throwing up from Vegas until we got home! NOT fun! Especially when I got sick the next day with the same thing! Ruined two days of my break to say the least.... Unfortunately, I didn't take many pictures down in AZ. We did get some family pictures taken which I hope I'll be able to post some time in the future.
New Years was low key this year but very relaxing. Rory and I got some much needed shopping done that afternoon and then went to a movie with his parents. We went to "The King's Speech". It was a really great movie! Being a Speech Language Pathologist I think made it extra special for me. It is about King George the 9th (I think) who ended up ruling England during WWII. He had an extremely bad stutter and sought help from a Speech Therapist who used unorthodox methods to treat stuttering. It was such an emotionally moving story! I loved it and would definitely recommend seeing it!
Afterwards, we went home to Hutchie who had been home all day by himself....poor doggie :( We rang in the new year while watching one the the broadcast specials on TV. That next day, we went up to my family's farm in Midway. We spent the day sledding down the hill and snowmobiling with my family! It was sure cold but a lot of fun!
Watch the video below:
Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a fun and safe time! I guess it is time to start thinking about New Year's resolutions....Here are some I am thinking about:
1. Drink more water each day. 2. Workout 4 times each week. 3. Complete a half marathon and continue with Triathlons.